Monday 14 March 2016

Music Advertisement

Finished Product ....

Why I have done it this way ... 

The image above is of Ed Sheeran however it is just the outline, this is what I have done on my advertisement. Also I have used the logo of camera faintly as the song is called photograph which is what he does on the front cover of his CD's for example the CD above is multiply.
My logo = Camera and the silhouettes of my cast
My colour scheme = green, black and white
My font = travelers transcript 
Industry logo = I created it through adobe illustrator 
I added some music app logos to it to show where the product could be streamed from. 
I am very happy with my final product because it is simple yet effective in the way that people see it. For example people wonder who the silhouettes are making them want to watch the music video fulfilling the aim to draw people in to watch it. 

My product out on social media

I have done this to show what my advert would look like out in social media. I think that it works very well, as instagram in now one of the most favorable social media apps overtaking Facebook I decided to use that. The way that the advert looks works well because it is so simple it draws attention. 

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