Wednesday 13 April 2016

4) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How I created my Advertisement 

I created my advert using Adobe Photoshop, I found that the software was easy to use and I understood it quickly. 
The first thing which I did before creating my advert was refer back to my research and look at the products which Ed Sheeran had made, this is when I came up with the same colour scheme, the song is sung by a male I couldn't chose a bright pink or purple the colour scheme had to go with the song. Green was the right choice as it is bold and eye catching, it is a colour which appeals to both genders 
therefore creating a large audience for my products. 
The second thing which I then had to do was find the font I wanted, the font used is called "Travellers transcript" and it can be found on Dafont website. I screenshot all the words or phrases which I needed then downloading them onto Photoshop then using the magic wand tool I removed the white background so they would work nicely on my previously chosen green background.
After arranging my text the way I felt looked best I decided to add my industry logo, made on adobe illustrator and apps which you could download the song onto. 
Following this I placed the silhouettes and camera onto the advertisement and changed the contrast, brightness, exposure and curves etc. to make it look the best that it could placing them in the center of the advert.

How I created my digipak

I created the Digipak using Adobe Photoshop. I have followed the same colour scheme as my advertisement green, black and white, this is showing continuity between my two ancillary texts just like a real product would. I have used the same font as my Advertisement to again show continuity which is showing that it is realistic and looks professional. 
I drew images of the children and Jake in order to create the silhouettes and I doubled up the camera drawings to create the camera logo on the front of the Digipak. 

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3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Below is showing my original conventions research which is showing the conventions of the products I have made. I am putting this into my evaluation question because of the analysis following which is analyzing my own products against the conventions. 
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When looking at Theorists, My music video and Ancillary texts I can think of only a few which can be linked. The first one to really jump out at me though is Tessa Perkins due to the stereotypes which come with being a single father;

  • Dads have absolutely no idea what they're doing. 
  • Dads always feel very protective of their daughters.
  • Dads feel out of place at the school gate. 
  • Dads can't cook for kids. 
This stereotype that dads and single dads have is appalling because the truth is all parents learn as they go along, no matter what their gender they are. You arent born a natural parent it is like anything else especially when being left alone with them you wont know what to do unless you know the children and how to act around them. 
Now i arent giving mums a bad name but i am mainly speaking about men because the story is  about a single dad. I was very shocked by what I found when researching however it is inevitable because people wont change they will always judge.

In a way I also think that Laura Mulvey's theory can also apply here because again it is a music video about a father who is watching his children being taken away. Where as Mulvey's theory usually applies in a different way. As her theory applies to the way in which men objectify women and look at they etc. i find that if a man were to watch my music video they would look at the woman in my music video in a different way. She is in the wrong in my music video, she is taking his children away. This music video could be very upsetting for some men who have been through the same thing.