Tuesday 6 October 2015

Photograph: Ed Sheeran

The video which I have chosen to re-create is the music video Photograph by Ed Sheeran. I have chosen this because I find that it can be taken in many ways and mean many things to different people. From the music video I feel that it is about love and hurt and how it can hurt but it is still worth it. There are many ways in which love can hurt for example: 

  • Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend can have a lot of arguments with you
  • Long distance relationships 
  • Family problems 
  • Loss of family or friends 
  • Children who have been taken from you 
  • Someone hurting someone close to you
In my case the song means something to me as I am in a relationship with someone in the army meaning we only see each other eight days a month unless he gets sent away for two weeks or three weeks at a time every other month and have to travel two and a half hours to see each other. So for me I understand it in the way that love can hurt but it is worth it when you love the other person enough to make anything work.


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